If you've ever felt overwhelmed by the darkness of Human Trafficking, we have some good news. The very tools traffickers use to exploit people can actually be used to aid in the rescue effort. By creating an online fundraiser, you have the power to ignite change in your community.
Use your social media to raise financial support for non-profit programs and initiatives aimed at preventing trafficking, especially among vulnerable populations like migrants, runaways, and at-risk youth. Help provide support for survivors through organizations that offer shelter, emotional support, counseling services, remediation and job skills. Together, we can recover and restore people.
You may be thinking, "Human Trafficking here? Not In My City!"
But the truth is, yes, it is happening here. It is happening now.
Become more informed. Help raise awareness in your community to protect the vulnerable.
Join the effort to recover and restore victims, by starting a fundraiser to financially support those who fight against human trafficking. Take a stand, so you can say, "Not In My City!"
SAVE THE DATE for Night of Hope VII on February 23, 2025 at Grace Community Church in Tempe.
By taking the pledge, you’re declaring your commitment to join the fight against Human Trafficking in Arizona and beyond.
I support those who fight against Human Trafficking and protect the vulnerable. I commit to be more informed, and I will help raise awareness in my community. Please join me in the effort to prevent Human Trafficking, and recover and restore victims by educating others, volunteering, or donating.
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